ALCOMA20 cancelled due to COVID-19
Dear friends, colleagues and participants of ALCOMA 20,
today, we - the organizers of ALCOMA 20 - regret to inform you that ALCOMA 20 has been cancelled due to Coronavirus/Covid-19.
Unfortunately, the situation has dramatically worsened since our last message from March 5th, 2020. Many participants are facing travel restrictions imposed by their university or government. Moreover, today the Bavarian Ministry of Science ordered that classroom teaching at the University Bayreuth is to be discontinued until further notice. Looking at the pace of the development within the last two weeks, further severe restrictions are only to be expected till the planned beginning of the conference.
Taking all these circumstances into account, we came to the conclusion that the only sensible decision is to cancel the conference.
However, we strongly hope that instead of ALCOMA 20 there will be an ALCOMA 21 in 2021.
In collaboration with our university administraton we try to send back your registration fees in the next few weeks.
Hoping that you are and stay healthy, we send our best wishes,
Michael Kiermaier, Sascha Kurz, Alfred Wassermann
(Organizing committee)